Nigeria is among the 13 worst countries where killings of journalists have remained unsolved, a report by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) published Tuesday has stated.

Nigeria has five unsolved cases over the last 10 years, the report noted.

“The 13 countries that make up the list of the world’s worst impunity offenders represent a mix of conflict-ridden regions and more stable countries where criminal groups, politicians, government officials, and other powerful actors resort to violence to silence critical and investigative reporting.”

Somalia emerged the worst country for the fifth year in a row in a ranking based on deaths as a percentage of each country’s population – 25 unsolved killings in a country of 15 million people.

Syria is second and Iraq third on the list. The country with the largest number of unsolved killings is the Philippines with 41, followed by Mexico with 30, the New York-based group said.